AromaTouch Massage

AromaTouch Massage Technique utilises 8 specific essential oils to promote relaxation, stress relief, immune support, decrease pain and elevate mood.

The doTERRA AromaTouch massage technique uses the fantastic doTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils and combines them with a special massage technique. This oil application technique brings the benefits of the individual oils, as well as the power of the human touch to the client. These specific massage techniques relax the muscles, so tension is eased, and the mind becomes at peace.

Add to all of this the benefits of aromatherapy. The AromaTouch massage oil smells heavenly and can bring calm and relaxation.

This special combination of doTERRA essential oils, the AromaTouch massage therapy technique, and aromatherapy contributes to a relaxed yet focused mind. It also brings an energetic, healthful energy to the muscles and organ systems. The doTERRA AromaTouch massage is a specialty massage with all the right ingredients!

Pamper yourself with an AromaTouch massage and release all your aches, pain and stress and you will leave feeling like you are floating on a cloud:)

Contact us now for an appointment on Ph 0422 630 127.